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World-class engineering projects

World-class engineering projects that benefit the communities of South Africa.

HHO is a world-class infrastructure engineering company with a wealth of experience and an innovative approach that delivers meticulously thought-through projects. Everything we do is in consideration of our clients and the communities they serve. When we partner with you, everything is considered.

HHO won the SAICE Regional Award for Excellence in Civil Engineering – 1983


Our first consulting engineering office was opened in Johannesburg more than 90 years ago

Our first consulting engineering office was opened by John Hawkins more than 90 years ago. John Hawkins was soon joined by Dryden Osborne and later his son, Robert Hawkins, to form Hawkins, Hawkins and Osborn (HHO).

Since the late 1920s, we have been contributing to the infrastructural development in both rural and urban regions of Southern Africa. Our considered approach means that we recognise the past and look towards a bright future where we can play a role in the betterment of South Africa.


Apart from working hard to improve the lives of others, we also strive to create an atmosphere in which our own employees feel at home and get the opportunity to prosper

Meet the Team

Almost 20% of our staff have been with the company for more than 20 years, while more than 40% have served HHO for 10 years or more. Such loyalty is a testament to an inclusive company culture that embraces diversity and equality whilst caring for its people.

We have maintained ISO 9001 certification since 2005. Our quality work, technical excellence and innovation have been acknowledged through the numerous SAICE, CESA, Fulton and SAPOA awards won. We have published many technical papers both nationally and internationally and have shared our expertise at conferences, symposia and tertiary education institutions.

HHO has a certified quality management system which has been in place in all our offices since 2006.


HHO is a majority black-owned company, and has achieved B-BBEE Level 1 status.

Download B-BBEE Certificate

At HHO, we believe that we can make a positive impact by addressing the injustices of the past, the inefficiencies in the existing infrastructure systems and the total lack of infrastructure in some communities. By focusing on these issues we hope to stimulate economic growth, give communities access to opportunities and, therefore, a better quality of life.

We are proud of our South African heritage and ownership. We have always been a privately and wholly South African owned company. We run an employee ownership scheme for our black employees, who for the past 30 years, have made up more than half of our staff compliment.

Being a majority black-owned company, comprising 10% black female ownership, we have achieved B-BBEE Level 1 status and are committed to transformation, skills development, procurement from empowered suppliers and corporate social investment.


Quality Contract Administration


HHO has a certified Quality Management System which has been in place in all our offices since 2006.

Download QMS Certificate
  • Make in-house QMS improvements continuously
  • Create a corporate culture where problems/challenges can be acknowledged openly
  • Focus on customer needs and deliverables
  • Manage multi-disciplinary projects using our in-house matrix management procedures
  • Continuous technical training
  • Commitment of top management to QMS
  • Recognition that QMS is a continuous management process through all stages of product delivery
  • Better client service and deliverables
  • Improved project risk management
  • More cost-effective designs and better company profitability
  • Ability to manage large and complex projects
  • Better work environment
  • Improved competitiveness​