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Road Engineering

Road transportation plays a vital role in the South African economy. At HHO we believe that by providing quality roads, economic growth and an increased number of opportunities will be created to ultimately bridge the inequalities of the past.

Our road engineers have extensive experience in the planning, design, construction, rehabilitation and maintenance management of roads. Our ability to produce industry leading designs have been underlined by the numerous awards we received over the past few decades. Together with our Traffic & Transportation, Geotechnical and Bridge departments, we offer our clients an integrated one-stop service that covers the complete “life cycle” of Road and Transportation Engineering.

  • Route location and feasibility studies
  • Preliminary and detailed design
  • Economic evaluations
  • Low-cost labour enhanced construction
  • Operation, maintenance and management studies
  • Construction monitoring and administration
  • Road safety audits

N11 Loskopdam, Mpumalanga, South Africa

This section of the N11 passes through spectacular mountain scenery. Safety features provided through the Kranspoort Pass, included the straightening out of tight bends, 2 arrestor beds and concrete barriers. The high quality infrastructure integrates perfectly with the surroundings, providing safer passage.

Sandown Road and M12 Upgrade, Cape Town, South Africa

HHO designed and implemented the 4km upgrade of Sandown Road and Malibongwe Drive (M12) from a single carriageway to a dual carriageway. The project included the dualling of the existing road over rail bridge and making provision for future BRT infrastructure.

N3 Hammarsdale Upgrade, KZN, South Africa

The proposed upgrade involves widening of the freeway from the existing 6 lanes to 8 or 10 lanes. HHO’s design involves provision of various cut and fill retaining structures, the replacement of bridges and culverts and the protection, relocation and provision for services along the road corridor.